0345 222 0185
As standard we use Magic Clean on many surfaces safely and effectively.
Its 100% Safe, 100% environmentally friendly, kills 99.99% of germs including Covid-19. and is a great cleaning agent. Whats even better we bottle it on-site each day at source for our teams to use.
Magic Clean is 'Stabilized Aqueous Ozone' (SAO) works by attacking organic matter, breaking it down into smaller particles and suspending it in solution. This reaction is called oxidation — and it's what makes SAO so powerful. In fact, SAO exceeds Green Seal Standards (GS-37 and GS-53) as industrial cleaner. SAO technology is an all-in-one solution, approved for sanitising up to 24 hours and cleaning for six days. Any left over just turns back to water!
PoppyDazzlers only offers Eco Carpet Cleaning solution, using Magic Clean SAO through the carpet machine. This is a great new development for the business. Ensuring clients carpets are clean and fully sanitised removing smells and bacteria.
100% environmentally friendly, this service is used to support commercial and domestic clients requirements as required, without them needing to find a third party company who uses traditional heat and strong chemicals to clean with.
PoppyDazzlers PD Protect Service is a two stage process uses a finishing product called Zoono Z-71, this is environmentally friendly, as harmful as Vitamin C or a cup of coffee. This product used monthly as sandard for all our commercial clients. Protecting their businesses, making premises safe.
All surfaces treated are safe to touch with no transmission for up to
30 days. Each client receives a certificate to confirm the area is safe
and free from all viruses.
Highly visable and effective awareness PoppyDazzlers® VW Electric Vans have been secured with VW UK providing the company with a sustainable clean option for the future. The Vans will start to be rolled out from mid 2022.
Perfect for our business model working in towns and cities. Many councils linked with government will require us to reduce carbon emissions. The new vans will enable us to carry out our daily operations without the worry or impact.